Staff & Personnel In Transport Planning Management

Staff & Personnel In Transport Planning Management
Department Overview

Ajala Abdul-Rahman Taiwo

Principal Lecturer

MSc. (Transport Studies/Management)

About Ajala Abdul-Rahman Taiwo

Principal Lecturer|MSc. (Transport Studies/Management)




Transport Planning Management


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Road Users Behaviour Drivers’ Training Traffic Management, and Safety and Transport Infrastructural Planning

Awards & Honours


Teaching Areas

Urban Transport Planning

Professional Ethics; Introduction to Transport Planning

Transport and Society

Transport Facilities                                      

Planning and Design

Rural Transport Planning

Traffic and Highway Engineering

Regional Planning

Principle and Technique of Vehicle Driving.

Selected Publications

Lasisi L.A & Ajala A.T (2022): impact of locational characteristics on the productivity of fufu cottage industries in Ilaro  Nigeria, LASU Journal of Transport and Logistics, vol. 4,  No. 1, (IN PRINT)

Ajala A. T (2022) The impact of drivers’ education on road traffic cases and casualty in  Nigeria. LASU Journal of Transport and Logistics, vol. 4, No. 1, (IN PRINT)                         

Ajala A.T (2021) Assessment of Urban Traffic and parking management, Nigeria Journal of Logistics & Transport, vol. 2, pg.161-170.

Yekeen F.A & Ajala A.T (2021): Road transport system in Nigeria: key issues challenges, Nigeria Journal of Logistics & Transport, vol. 1, pg. 91-102

Asaju J.A, Ewiolo S.A, & Ajala A.T (2021) Analysis of road crashes and categories of      Vehicles involved in an accident in Lagos metropolis between 2010 - 2019, International Journal of Research and Innovation in social sciences (IJRISS), Vol. V Issue VII. Pg. 227 - 235.

Ajala, A. T & Adebanjo R. O (2019): The role of community leaders in the actualization of community road development project, Journal of African sustainable   development Vol.15 No.2 Pg.237-247

Ajala, A. T. (2019): Analysis of traffic congestion on major urban roads in Nigeria.                        Journal of Digital Innovations & Contemp Res. In Sc., Eng & Tech. Vol. 7, No. 3. Pp 1-10.

Ajala, A. T. (2018) Conceptualise Smart City for the Development of Nigeria’s Urban   Transportation, Advances in Multidisciplinary and Scientific Research Journal. Vol. 4 No. 2 pp. 65-72.

Ipingbemi O. and Ajala A.T (2011): Rate of Compliance with Crash Helmets Use by Powered Two-Wheelers (PTW) in Nigeria, Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences, Vol. 9 No. 2. pp 83-93




Conferences Attended

Ajala A.T (October, 202) Security and safety of inter-regional travel in Nigeria, 2022 National Conference of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Lagos   Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos

Ajala A. T. (2022) Management and administration of driving school in Nigeria, National capacity building workshop for proprietor/Instructors of Driving Schools in Nigeria, organized by Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Abuja.

Ajala A. T & Adebanjo RO (October 2021): Usage of non-motorized Transport, Nigerian Institute of Town Planners 52nd National Conference, held at L.A King (BON) Hotel   & event center, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Ajala A.T & Kehinde (March 2021) Role of transport union in the provision of public transport services in Ogun state. SES national conference, Federal Polytechnic  Ilaro, Nigeria,

Ajala A.T (November 2020): Potentials of Non-Motorized Transport as Sustainable   Options for Intra Campus Trips Post Covid 19 Era, FPI International Conference, Federal   Polytechnic Ilaro, Nigeria, 2020.

Ajala, A. T (2019, October) The standard requirement of driving school in the production of quality drivers, Paper presented at the Capacity Building Workshop organized by VIO & NDSPA Ogun state, at Amazing Grace event   center, Kuforiji Olubi, Abeokuta, between 2nd and 3rd October 2019

Ajala, A. T. (2019, May): Impact assessment of traffic management agency in urban road transport system of Ogun State, Paper presented at the 7th National Conference of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State.

Ajala, A. T. & Kilaso M. O. (2018, November) Home School journey of school pupils:  Safety and security consideration, Paper presented at 49th Annual Conference/ AGM of Nigerian Institute of Town Planners, Kaduna Nigeria.

Ajala A.T, Akibo K.O and Ojo L.A (2018, November): Education and training of commercial motorcyclist for improved transport service delivery, Paper presented at the first international Conference of Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro,Ogun State, Nigeria.

Ajala. A. T, Salako O.F, &Olatunji O. M (2018, November): Innovative driving education for entrepreneurial development and employability of polytechnic graduands. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference of Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Ajala, A. T. (2018, June) Conceptualize Smart City for the Development of Nigeria Urban Transportation, Paper presented at 11th ISTEAMS Conference, YabaTech, Lagos.

Ajala, A. T. (2017, November) Road Safety is not a privilege but a right, Paper presented at FRSC Ogun State Sector, State Special Marshal State Workshop, Abeokuta, Ogun State

Ajala, A. T. &Akibo, K. O. (2017, May). Planning and Management of Public Road Transport Terminal Infrastructural Facilities. Paper presented at the6th National Conference of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal   Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State.

Ajala, A. T. (2017, January) Assessment of Planning and Management of Rail Transportation Infrastructural Facilities, paper presented at International Conference of School of Environmental Studies, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, Ogun State

Summary of Profile

AJALA, Abdul-Rahman Taiwo holds a Higher National Diploma (HND), Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) and Masters in Urban and Regional Planning (MURP), Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) and Master of Science (MSc.) in Transportation Studies/Management. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT), a Registered Town Planner (RTP), and a seasoned Transportation expert, with an interest in Transportation planning and Road traffic safety and management. Ajala has 20 years of experience in both practice and academics. A traffic management consultant and facilitator of Traffic managers’ training as well as drivers’ trainer. He has four publications to his credit, three journal articles, one book chapter, and a book titled “Traffic Management Strategies and Best Practices”. Ajala is currently the Head of Department, Department of Transportation Planning and Management, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro.

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